Business Plan for the Planet

HSBC is committed to a sustainable future. We are dedicating between $750bn and $1trn, alongside expert guidance and support, to help our 1.5 million customers – and their partners – make a lasting sustainable transition to help us all thrive in a low carbon economy. We also pledge to become a net zero carbon business ourselves by 2030 or sooner.

Our net zero ambition

We are setting out an ambitious plan to prioritise financing and investment that supports the transition to a net zero global economy – and helps to build a thriving, resilient future for society and businesses. At the heart of the plan is a pledge to reduce financed emissions from our portfolio of customers to net zero by 2050 or sooner, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement

Our brand commitment to sustainability across New York

We recently launched a campaign in New York City, US to further underscore our sustainability commitments. Our messaging uses outdoor digital ad space to emit blue light which research has shown can encourage surrounding plant growth. Contact us to learn about how we support our customers’ sustainability ambitions.

Getting to Net-Zero Checklist

Most companies aim to reach net-zero emissions, but there are significant challenges to overcome along the way. That’s why HSBC has commissioned The Economist Intelligence Unit to develop an interactive net-zero checklist, based on insights from real businesses like yours, which can help you generate a tailored plan to help prepare you for the transition.

Be part of the Business Plan for the Planet

Businesses need a partner with the understanding, the capabilities and the resources to help them make the transition to a sustainable model, and HSBC can become this partner.

We are committed to:

  • Achieving net zero in our own operations and supply chain by 2030 or sooner
  • Supporting our portfolio of customers to thrive through transition
  • Dedicating between $750bn and $1trn of finance and investment by 2030 to help our customers transition
  • Unlocking next-generation climate solutions

Mobilising the global transition

We are mobilising finance and accelerating innovation to lead the global transition to net zero.

Watch Barry O’Byrne, our CEO of Global Commercial Banking, explain how we are partnering with customers to support their journeys.

Companies are recognising the value sustainability brings


of companies expect their revenue to grow over the next year from a greater focus on sustainability.

Our Navigator report gives you a view of what businesses are saying about sustainability, how this impacts business strategy and what they are doing to put commitments into action. COVID-19 has reinvigorated the focus on sustainability and prompted businesses to ‘walk the talk’.

Find out which companies expect the biggest benefits

The changing face of sustainability


of issuers and 23 per cent of investors conclude that they had previously paid too little attention to social welfare and the social component of ESG.

Our Sustainable Financing & Investing Survey of over 1,000 issuers and 1,000 investors reveals that sustainable investing is becoming mainstream and shows the effects of COVID-19 are changing amongst market participants. Globally, nearly 30% of investors affirm that the pandemic has strengthened their commitment to considering Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues.

Download the Global Report (7.3MB, PDF)

HSBC Pollination Climate Asset Management

HSBC Global Asset Management and Pollination have partnered with the ambition to create the world’s largest dedicated natural capital asset management company.

HSBC wins sustainable finance recognition

Our expertise in sustainable finance is widely recognised and we continue to be accredited for our support for clients transitioning to low-carbon futures.

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